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Age-friendly Business Database

How to add and update records

This page is only for people who have the username and password needed to add and change records in the Age-friendly Business database. If you need these, contact .

This link should take you to the cPanel logon page. Enter username and password. You should immediately go to our phpMyAdmin page. If that happens, skip the next step.

If you see the cPanel page instead of phpMyAdmin, scroll down to "Databases" and select "phpMyAdmin".

Then click the plus-sign next to "Age-Friendly-businesses" and the plus-sign next to "Tables".

Then click "business_info"

You should see the table with all the information. To change anything, click the "edit" button next to the row you want to edit.

You can use several methods to find the record you want. This line appears at the top and bottom.

To add a new record, press the "insert" button at the top.

When done adding or changing a record, press the "go" button. Sometimes there's a "save" button instead.

Once you press the "go" button, your changes should be immediately visible on our age-friendly business list. Refresh the page if it's already open.

Removing businesses

Please do not delete the record. We want to keep a record of businesses that were once in the program. Instead change the 'status' field from 'active' to 'inactive'. Inactive business list.
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Support Disclaimer: Inclusion of services on this website does not represent a recommendation from the Brookline Council on Aging, the Brookline Senior Center, or the Brookline Community Aging Network.

Disclaimer: Inclusion of services through this program does not represent a recommendation or guarantee of work performance from the Brookline Council on Aging, the Brookline Senior Center, or the Brookline Community Aging Network. The user of this program therefore agrees to release the above named from any and all liability. The user should make whatever investigation or other resources that they deem necessary or appropriate before hiring or engaging Service Providers.