Disability Resources
Rewarding Work is a Web-based, self-directed registry for elders, people with disabilities, and their families to connect with qualified personal assistants, also known as PCAs. This service, tailored specifically to their requirements, helps elders and people with disabilities receive the supports they need to lead full and independent lives in communities of their choice.
Here is a December 2017 Brookline Tab article about Rewarding Work including remarks from Elenore Parker, its president and co-founder. Elenore also handles public relations for BrooklineCAN.
Massachusetts residents who receive PCA services through MassHealth (the state’s Medicaid program) have free access to candidates at www.MassPCADirectory.org, www.findpca.org, and www.findpca.org/MA .
There is a $10 charge for a month of full access to PCAs for those not on the MassHealth PCA program. You may also register for free 24-hour limited access.
Staff at Brookline Senior Center will provide support to people without computers and those who may need help in searching for appropriate candidates.
Rewarding Work Resources, a Brookline-based nonprofit organization, created and manages both RewardingWork.org and the Mass. PCA Directory. For additional information, call toll-free 1-866-212-9675 (WORK)
Massachusetts Assistive Technology Loan Program (800-244-2756) provides low-interest cash loans to people with disabilities and their families for assistive technology devices such as adaptive computer equipment, hearing aids, wheelchairs, vehicle modifications and more.
Massachusetts Home Modification Loan Program The Metropolitan Boston Housing Partnership ( 617-425-6637) is the identified agency in greater Boston that helps elders and other individuals with disabilities to modify their homes for improved access.
Massachusetts Office on Disability (617-727-7440 (V/TTY); 800-322-2020 (V/TTY) provides advocacy for individuals with disabilities, particularly around issues of accessibility in the public policy and community arena.
Massachusetts Registry of Vehicles (617-351-4500) provides handicap plates/placards to individuals who are medically certified as disabled. Applications require a Massachusetts licensed physician, chiropractor, or nurse practitioner’s signature.
New England Index (800-642-0249) provides information and referral services concerning programs, agencies and health care providers that specialize in working with individuals with disabilities.
Operation Independence (617-923-4545) provides home modification services that range from installing grab bars and ramps to renovating bathrooms and kitchens to make them more accessible. A free in-home assessment is offered to determine each client’s individual needs.
Assistive Technology Exchange in New England (866-682-9955) helps to facilitate exchange of medical equipment between individuals. Some individuals offer their items for free, while others ask for a fixed price.
Boston Center for Independent Living (617-338-6665) provides information and referral services to individuals with disabilities with the goal of independent living as long as safely possible. Provides skills training and peer mentoring for individuals adjusting to a disability.
Disability Law Center (800-872-9992) provides legal advocacy and assistance to disabled Massachusetts residents with disability related problems. DLC does not provide assistance with general legal issues such as divorce or estate planning.
Support Disclaimer: Inclusion of services on this website does not represent a recommendation from the Brookline Council on Aging, the Brookline Senior Center, or the Brookline Community Aging Network.
Disclaimer: Inclusion of services through this program does not represent a recommendation or guarantee of work performance from the Brookline Council on Aging, the Brookline Senior Center, or the Brookline Community Aging Network. The user of this program therefore agrees to release the above named from any and all liability. The user should make whatever investigation or other resources that they deem necessary or appropriate before hiring or engaging Service Providers.