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Transportation Options
for Older Adults

Transportation Options through the Council on Aging

Brookline Senior Center Medical Transportation

For the duration of the pandemic and while the Senior Center is closed to the public, we will be piloting a program to provide transportation to non-emergency medical appointments within Brookline and the Longwood area ONLY using the Senior Center Van and Bus. Priority will be given to those residents who are currently using the BETS Program. The hours are Monday to Friday 9am – 3pm. Pick ups in Brookline will begin no earlier than 9AM and the last pick up in the Longwood area will be at 3PM. Face coverings are required and there will be a limit to one passenger per vehicle, although you will be able to bring a PCA or companion if needed. To schedule a ride, please call the Senior Center Van Line at least three days in advance at 617-730-2750.

Brookline Transportation Program with Lyft

During this time, while we encourage everyone who can to stay at home as much as possible, we realize some will need to get to important medical appointments or to the grocery store and Lyft could be a good option for those who wish to avoid the T. We are able to process applications via phone and email.

This program offers 4 subsidized rides per month on Lyft to older adults in Brookline. This program is currently limited to income eligible seniors (60) and over (individual $67,400 maximum; couple $77,000 maximum). Lyft is a ridesharing transportation company that offers curb-to-curb service nationwide. The Brookline Program will offer four discounted rides per month of up to $10 per ride. The passenger will pay the first $2; the coupon will pay up to the next $10. The coupon will automatically download each month into the Lyft app on your smartphone. This option will be available 24/7 without any restrictions on miles or pick up location. For more information, contact Maria Foster, Community Outreach Specialist for the Council on Aging at 617-730-2644 or .

HELP Program

Brookline’s HELP Program can connect older adults to escorts and limited transportation. This is a paid service with home care workers vetted by Council on Aging social workers. A home visit is required to participate in the HELP Program. While the Senior Center is closed, staff will be conducting telephone assessments of new clients. Please call 617-730-2752.

Currently, the HELP Program is offering free transportation to eye care appointments through the Trusted Transportation Program. Call the HELP Program to find out more.

Other Transportation Options


Metro Cab is a Brighton based cab company at 617-782-5500 but please be aware that MetroCab will not take the Brookline Senior Taxi Coupons. They do provide some wheelchair accessible vans.

GoGo Grandparent

Gogo Grandparent ( orders and monitors rides on your behalf through ride-sharing services like Uber and Lyft. Gogo Grandparent calls the ride on your behalf, so users do not need a smartphone to use the service. Those who do have access to a smartphone and would like to access rides through the app should contact Maria Foster at (617-730-2644)

Operators and oversite fee of .27 per minute from when they start monitoring to when they stop. In addition, you are charged the ride-share network fare. 855-464-6872 or 888-755-1775. MBTA Service Updates General MBTA Covid updates can be found here: Currently, face coverings must be worn on MBTA vehicles. The CharlieCard store is closed until further notice. If you need to renew your CharlieCard, please call the 617-222-3200 and follow the system prompts.

MBTA – Ride

The Ride paratransit service provides door-to-door, shared ride transportation to eligible people who are unable to use the MBTA’s fixed route transit (bus, subway, trolley) some or all of the time due to physical, cognitive or mental disability.
  • During the pandemic, if you are a new RIDE customer, you may be granted temporary eligibility if you meet the medical necessity criteria provided to your licensed healthcare provider by TREC (617-337-2727).
  • If you are a current RIDE customer who will require recertification soon, your eligibility will be automatically extended.
  • Whether you are a newly approved RIDE customer (granted medical necessity), or an existing RIDE customer whose eligibility has been extended, you will eventually need to participate in an in-person interview. You will be contacted at the appropriate time.

Information from the RMV

For COVID-19 updates from the RMV visit:

Developed by TRIPPS (Transportation, Resources, Planning & Partnership for Seniors)
TRIPPS line: 617-730-2644    •   
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Support Disclaimer: Inclusion of services on this website does not represent a recommendation from the Brookline Council on Aging, the Brookline Senior Center, or the Brookline Community Aging Network.

Disclaimer: Inclusion of services through this program does not represent a recommendation or guarantee of work performance from the Brookline Council on Aging, the Brookline Senior Center, or the Brookline Community Aging Network. The user of this program therefore agrees to release the above named from any and all liability. The user should make whatever investigation or other resources that they deem necessary or appropriate before hiring or engaging Service Providers.