Other housing information on this site:
Apartments and Condominiums. BrooklineCAN volunteers have gathered detailed information on apartment and condominium units in buildings with elevators. Click one of the links above for full details and an interactive map. In every case, we provide basic information such as building location, number of floors, number of units, and number of bedrooms. For most buildings, the we also give more information including laundry arrangements, parking, and availability of outdoor space.
The Housing section on our Links page contains pointers to external articles, web sites, and blogs.
Senior Housing Forums
On April 7, 2013, the Select Board , Housing Advisory Board, Economic Development Advisory Board, Council on Aging, Health Department, and BrooklineCAN sponsored a seminar on Models for Senior Housing Development as part of Brookline's Age-Friendly Cities initiative. Summary. Details and video.On September 10, 2020 BrooklineCAN sponsored a second forum on housing, virtual this time. At that time, five new senior housing developments were in various stages from planning to near completion. Panelists spoke about each. Details and video.
Senior Housing
The Brookline Housing Authority (617-277-2022) The Housing Authority operates several elderly and disabled housing sites in Brookline. Renters in these buildings--- reserved solely for elderly or disabled Brookline residents---are generally required to pay 30 percent of their monthly income as rent. Applicants, therefore, must provide proof of income and assets on an annual basis to qualify for this housing.
The total number of units is 924 (394 state/499 federal/31 SROs in special
needs group residences).
Residents pay 30% of their adjusted income (income after exemptions and
deductions if any) in federally funded public housing and 32% of their
adjusted income in state funded public housing. All residents qualify under
the federal definition of low-income (80% or lower of the median area
We have a total of 457 elderly units.
From the Brookline Housing Authority:
The attached
development listing gives the names of our public
housing developments along with the addresses and number of units. After
the names of the developments, you will find whether they are family (F) or
elderly (E) or a mixture (Family & Elderly). The listing also separates
the developments into state or federal public housing.
Center Communities of Brookline (617-363-8100) owns and operates three properties in Brookline: 100 Center Street, 112 Center Street and 1550 Beacon Street.
- 100 Center Street Two meals a day are built into the rental payment for market rate apartments, but residents in subsidized units are not required to participate in the meal plan.
- 112 Center Street also has market rate and subsidized units, with predominantly subsidized apartments. Renters here are not required to participate in the meal plan.
- 1550 Beacon Street also offers market rate and subsidized units. The meal plan is optional for all residents.
Goddard House Assisted Living (617-731-8500) A not-for-profit organization since our founding, Goddard House owns and operates Goddard House Assisted Living at 165 Chestnut Street, Brookline, MA, 02445. We have seventy-five traditional apartments and forty apartments in our Olmsted Place program for those who require specialized memory support services in a secure setting. Short-term stays are available.
Goddard House offers older adults comfortable housing in a residential setting and the kindness and compassion that inspired its founding over a century ago. Our daily commitment is to provide an atmosphere that emphasizes dignity, self-reliance and a warm sense of community, evident to all who walk through our doors.
Winn Management (617-731-6020) operates three properties in Brookline that offer elderly and/or disabled units at 99 Kent Street, 70 Pearl Street, and 55 Village Way. Some subsidized units are available.
Paul Sullivan Housing Pine Street Inn (617-892-8708) manages several single-room occupancy properties. They are located at 1017 Beacon Street, 1043-1045 Beacon Street, 1754 Beacon Street, and 51-53, 55-57 Beals Street.
Support Disclaimer: Inclusion of services on this website does not represent a recommendation from the Brookline Council on Aging, the Brookline Senior Center, or the Brookline Community Aging Network.
Disclaimer: Inclusion of services through this program does not represent a recommendation or guarantee of work performance from the Brookline Council on Aging, the Brookline Senior Center, or the Brookline Community Aging Network. The user of this program therefore agrees to release the above named from any and all liability. The user should make whatever investigation or other resources that they deem necessary or appropriate before hiring or engaging Service Providers.