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Two of these pictures will appear at random
on the front page every time it's refreshed.
Click on the thumbnail for a large version.
Even larger versions are available for some of them.
with questions.

Selecting Pictures
To select a group of pictures, search for a word or phrase in the caption or tag. Tags are searchable words or phrases that aren't part of the caption. You can also search for the photographer.
Search terms can be either words (e.g. "Caro") or phrases (e.g. "Frank Caro", "BHS jazz band", or "2017 Annual Meeting". Searches are not case sensitive - "Ruthann Dobek" and "ruthann dobek" will produce the same results.

Searches rely entirely on the labels. You can display labels by opening the picture or hovering over a thumbnail. A picture won't appear unless the search term is in the label. to change a caption or tag

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Photographers with number of photos

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General questions or comments
Email for BrooklineCAN's Livable Community Advocacy Committee
Submissions for our “Links” page
Press releases and other media communication
Membership discussion
Newsletter feedback or suggestions; any issues for the communications committee
Comments about our website

Support Disclaimer: Inclusion of services on this website does not represent a recommendation from the Brookline Council on Aging, the Brookline Senior Center, or the Brookline Community Aging Network.

Disclaimer: Inclusion of services through this program does not represent a recommendation or guarantee of work performance from the Brookline Council on Aging, the Brookline Senior Center, or the Brookline Community Aging Network. The user of this program therefore agrees to release the above named from any and all liability. The user should make whatever investigation or other resources that they deem necessary or appropriate before hiring or engaging Service Providers.